Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crib Madness

So, this is officially my first blog post! I gave birth to my daughter, Evelyn, in March and have been a stay-at-home mom since. I love it, but I need an outlet, a place to share my thoughts.

So, to get right to it, we are trying to get Evelyn to sleep in her crib. She will be 5 months old on the 23rd and she has been sleeping in a bassinet next to our bed since she was born. I admit that I wasn't sure if I was ready for this step, but my husband was! He was excited about the idea of getting some "mommy & daddy" time at night. So, being the Godly, submissive wife(lol) that I am, I decided to give it a try. Friday night was the big night, we put her to bed in her crib. She slept about 5 hours and then woke to nurse. She usually only wakes once during the night to nurse. So after I nursedher, I just kept her in bed with us...I know, not the best idea, but I couldn't resist.

Night 2: She slept 7 1/2 hours in her crib without waking! It was working!

Night 3: She woke every 2 hours...she was teething and running a she ended up back in the room with us.

Night 4 & 5: she continued to wake every 2 hours or so...I am at a loss!

Last night I even tried the whole "bedtime routine" thing. We fed her some cereal, played for a little bit, gave her a bath, gave her a massage, looked at some books, nursed her, rocked her and put her to bed. She woke up and hour after I layed her down! She has been a great sleeper since she was this my punishment for 4 months of great sleep? I feel like saying..."I promise I won't take it for granted ever again!"

We are hopeful that it will get better, or it may be back to the bassinet until she's twenty...who knows! Isn't parenting such a guessing game? I feel like if I mess it up once, it's over...thank goodness that is not the truth! She won't remember this someday. Thank goodness our heavenly Father is a much better parent than me! I am so glad He knows exactly what to do. And when I can't sleep in my crib all night, he doesn't get frustrated or give up. Lord knows, I have given Him much reason to give up on me, yet He is faithful to renew me and start fresh each day.

“The Lord’s mercies…are new every morning.” Lamentations 3:22-23
*here is evelyn....not sleeping 8^)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I know the feeling.