Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Breastfeeding in the 21st Century...

Our ancestors nursed their children, it was their only means of feeding their babies and a beautiful bonding experience. I cannot imagine what they would think if they saw me today: Nusing my daughter while talking on my cell phone, texting, checking my email and watching Oprah. Not to say that the bonding part isn't there, it certainly is. But let's be honest, how boring would the hours upon hours each day spent nursing be without these modern technologies? I enjoy nursing and rocking my daughter to sleep at night, but during the day I am busy, and often nurse her while doing a million other things.

Another thing that might shock our ancestors...How we can breastfeed our babies without a breast! Or as my neice calls them...doobies! I can pump my doobies and express about 4 ounces of milk in fifteen minutes. I have the ability to leave my daughter for more than a few hours, something our pre-pump sisters never experienced. How great for new moms to able to experience a little freedom and still feed their babies their nutritious breastmilk.

How about those nursing bras and shirts? Or nipple cream? Or a boppy? I am sure the women of old had their own little concoctions, but you can't get more convenient than a flap in your shirt that keeps you completely covered. Or when those nipples are cracked, a little cream from a tube does the trick. Arms getting tired? Just rest that baby on the boppy. My favorite...the pacifier! If my daughter didn't have it, she would be permanently attached to my breast.
I love breastfeeding, it was certainly a wonderful decision, but I have to be can call me spoiled... I'm glad I'm a 21st century mom.


On another note...I haven't updated in a while. Evelyn is now 7 months old. She crawls, eats crackers, pulls herself up, throws tantrums and laughs a lot! She has quite the little temper, and I can honestly say that gets that from her father! Oh and we are in still in the waiting...but on the upswing I think?!? I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas (49 days!). It snowed here last week, but now it is 70 degrees outside :(

I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies yesterday. Has anyone ever noticed how you can make the same cookies a million times and they always turn out a little different? Well, mine did. Ben loved them, but they weren't my best. Well, I am off to the the house!


1 comment:

The Mrs. said...

Thanks for the update on you and your family!

And yes us 21st century women are blessed with many conveniences. The breast pump. The dishwasher. The oven/stove top. The washing machine and dryer. The vacuum. And my two favorites: air conditioning and indoor plumbing!

Yes, I have noticed how everyone who has disliked and trashed President Bush now wants us all to unite and adore Obama. It is ridiculous.