Monday, November 17, 2008

Snowy Days...

This weekend was a little crazy. We ended up in the emergency room with Evelyn, she had a fever of 103.5! The doctor thinks it is just a virus, so we are doing the tylenol/motrin thing. She was up a lot through the night last night, but has been better today.
What a beautiful day it was! It snowed just enough to completely cover the ground, it was a winter wonderland! The snow inspired me, so I turned on Christmas music this afternoon, pulled out my magazines and cut out the Christmas recipes and crafts I wanted from them. I also did a little online window shopping :)

Then, I got some snow from our front porch and let Evelyn play with it :) She had a lot of fun!

After that, my mom came over to visit and after she left I started working on dinner. While I was getting dinner ready, I put Evelyn in her high chair with some cheerios and juice...and after a while I noticed that she was being very quiet...this is how I found her
then her cup fell over and...

I had a good day, and I am really looking forward to my personal challenge this week. I am calling it:

"It's Not About Me" Week

Our sermon yesterday was about fasting, and it got me thinking about surrendering my life to God. I am going to be fasting some (I'm still nursing), but I am fasting in other ways too. Just overall giving up my 'me' time to spend in prayer. It is also a reminder for me to do things for others. I will update you about how I am accomplishing this each day...

Also, these are some choclate pumpkin cakes I made this weekend...I <3>

Enjoy You Day!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Making my Heart-Home A Haven

I must admit that today did not start how I imagined. My plan for getting up at 7:00 for devotions, was deterred by the fact that I was up at 5:50 with my "not going back to sleep" dear daughter. She did eventually go back to sleep and I was able to have my devotional time, but it just wasn't my plan...funny how we can get so stuck on our plan.

I have been thinking a lot today. With this whole idea of making my home a haven, I began thinking about making my "heart home" a haven as well. I thought about all of the things I am storing in my heart that are not necessary. All of the clutter and even messes that are taking up space in my heart home. What if I did a clean sweep of my heart, and allowed Jesus to make a heart a home...a haven? I find myself allowing so many bad attitudes and frustrations, old hurts and even some new wounds to take up residence in my heart. I can just imagine Jesus trying to see the desires of my heart through the piles of anger and dissapointments.

Heavenly Homemaker,
Make my heart your home today.
I am a work in progress, but today
begins my heart-home remodeling!
Give me the strength to dispose of
what I need. Give me Your eyes to see.
I am in charge of the Christmas Program at my church. This year, we are doing a program that I wrote called "A Snapshot of Christmas". It is about a "perfect" family Christmas photo, and how maybe the family is not so perfect after all. What would life be like through anothers eyes? They will find out and because of the manger they will all see what Christmas is really about. I am very excited, but I always stress myself out with these programs by the end. This year, I have decided that I am not going to let that happen! I am going to delegate better and remind myself that I am only one person and can only do so much! I spent the evening yesterday at the church working on the music for the program, and I finally feel like it has all come together.
Well, as for today, my list is short because I am heading to my mom's this afternoon:
* 2 loads od laundry
* Master Bathroom
* Guest Bathroom
* Work on Evelyn's baby book (much needed!)
Enjoy your day :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Making My Home A Haven :)

I recently found this blog through my friend Jenna >

It is a great blog! I have so enjoyed reading it, and this week decided to jump on board with what she is doing! It is all about making your home a haven through cleaning and organizing. Some areas of my home are in desperate need of this! I really struggle with this sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I keep my house clean, but really just on the surface, the cupboards, drawers and closets could use some help!

It is a strong desire of mine to have a clean, cozy, inviting home. I want people to stop by anytime and my house be welcoming to them. It is also important to me that Ben feels like he is coming home each day to a place where he can relax and not feel stressed by a mountain of dishes or piles of laundry. I try my hardest to obtain this, but there are days when I let things go, and before I know it, I have a whole day of catching up to do!

Monica, the author of the blog, has really inspired me to start my day the right way, waking up with the Lord. Spending my time with Him before Evelyn wakes up and the day gets started. This is a challenge, because as you new moms know, we value our sleep! This morning, I awoke at seven and Evelyn was still asleep (she is fighting a cold and was up about 4 times through the night, ultimately ending up in bed with me), and instead of doing what I know I should have, I turned over and slept for another hour. I was so mad at myself once I got up, because then it was too late, Evelyn was up, and the busyness of the day had set in. I still had some devotion time, but it was short and interrupted often.

So tomorrow, my goal is to wake up at 7:00 for my Jesus time, and to get an early start on the day! Today, here is my to-do list:

- unload, reload & run dishwasher
- finish 2 loads of laundry
- sweep, mop, wipe counters, dust
- straighten up Evelyn's room & put clothes away
- start on my closet (the abyss)
- disenfect toys

Well, there's my ramblings for today...enjoy your day :)


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Breastfeeding in the 21st Century...

Our ancestors nursed their children, it was their only means of feeding their babies and a beautiful bonding experience. I cannot imagine what they would think if they saw me today: Nusing my daughter while talking on my cell phone, texting, checking my email and watching Oprah. Not to say that the bonding part isn't there, it certainly is. But let's be honest, how boring would the hours upon hours each day spent nursing be without these modern technologies? I enjoy nursing and rocking my daughter to sleep at night, but during the day I am busy, and often nurse her while doing a million other things.

Another thing that might shock our ancestors...How we can breastfeed our babies without a breast! Or as my neice calls them...doobies! I can pump my doobies and express about 4 ounces of milk in fifteen minutes. I have the ability to leave my daughter for more than a few hours, something our pre-pump sisters never experienced. How great for new moms to able to experience a little freedom and still feed their babies their nutritious breastmilk.

How about those nursing bras and shirts? Or nipple cream? Or a boppy? I am sure the women of old had their own little concoctions, but you can't get more convenient than a flap in your shirt that keeps you completely covered. Or when those nipples are cracked, a little cream from a tube does the trick. Arms getting tired? Just rest that baby on the boppy. My favorite...the pacifier! If my daughter didn't have it, she would be permanently attached to my breast.
I love breastfeeding, it was certainly a wonderful decision, but I have to be can call me spoiled... I'm glad I'm a 21st century mom.


On another note...I haven't updated in a while. Evelyn is now 7 months old. She crawls, eats crackers, pulls herself up, throws tantrums and laughs a lot! She has quite the little temper, and I can honestly say that gets that from her father! Oh and we are in still in the waiting...but on the upswing I think?!? I am so looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas (49 days!). It snowed here last week, but now it is 70 degrees outside :(

I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies yesterday. Has anyone ever noticed how you can make the same cookies a million times and they always turn out a little different? Well, mine did. Ben loved them, but they weren't my best. Well, I am off to the the house!
